Kaam Ki Baat

Kaam Ki Baat is issued by the VVWA as and when there is news, information, or details to be shared with all residents. It is circulated via Whatsapp through various Block Groups, Interest Groups and Member Groups to keep all residents informed of government directives, VVWA updates and any other initiatives that may be in the interest of all residents. All Kaam Ki Baat begin with “Dear Residents” and end with “We Continue to serve” and are issued by Parul Gaur, Director Operations & Spokesperson. 

See all previous Kaam Ki Baat arranged month-wise below:

January 2024


Dear Residents ,


Over the past few years, there has been concern about our security environment.
The rising number of encroachments, as well as misuse of our parks for activities such as drug abuse, alcohol etc. is a matter of great concern.
We have been in regular touch with the law and enforcing authorities as well as MCD, but we do feel that something more needs to be done to arrest both of these activities.

As an experimental measure, VVWA recruited four Marshals to control the entrance of new encroachments, as well as arresting the misuse of our parks. Over the past four months
we are very happy to say that there has been vast improvement on both of these concerns.

We feel that the system of Marshals needs to be taken forward.
However, for a colony of the size of Vasant Vihar, we do need the increase number of Marshals from 4 to 10. We also need to extend their activities to traffic management etc.

The big hurdle that VVWA faces is in organizing the expenses that are incurred on the salaries etc of these Marshals. Given their success and the requirement to continue their services, there is a serious concern to raise money to meet their salaries, expenses etc. by way of *CSR funds, donations or crowd-fund.
Residents can fund a guard salary or a few can even pool resources to fund a guard.

In case, anyone wants to make a donation or crowd-fund, the following options are available:

a) Bank Transfer : A/c Holder : Vasant Vihar Welfare Association A/c No. : 90312010103329 IFSC Code: CNRB0019031 Canara Bank, Vasant Vihar

b) Instamojo : www.instamojo.com/@vvwa2022

It is also possible for a resident to fund a guard through any of the means mentioned.
Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and we shall get back to you.
We would earnestly request the residents to come forward in helping us to continue the scheme This is for our common good.

December 2023

Vvwa has been actively pursuing the street lights with MCD. We understand it is a colony wide issue long pending .
The latest status report, as received from MCD, is attached for perusal. This is in respect of A, E and F blocks.
B, C and D blocks will also be taken up in due course.
We are also hopeful that PWD will also start fixing the lights in their jurisdiction later this week.

We are monitoring this in daily basis with them and are hopeful that all non working lights shall be fixed .


VVWA had been receiving complaints about water connections, bills etc. To enable solutions, VVWA IN ASSOCIATION WITH DJB IS ORGANISING CAMP ON WEDNESDAY, 27, DECEMBER 2023 FROM 10.00 AM TO 2.30 PM

The following shall be covered:
1. New water connections
2. Water meter grievances
3. Water bill queries
4. Water connection regularisation
5. Disconnection issues
6.Mutation (change of ownership/ names in water bills.

We would request everyone to take advantage of this camp and get their issues sorted out.
We continue to serve

September 2023

In keeping with the gazette notification, the offices of VVWA will remain closed 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2023. The detailed order is attached.


*Everyone is aware that VVWA, as part of a resident’s initiative, have engaged four Marshals. *

They have been tasked with keeping a tab on

1. Rising Encroachments.

While, they lack the authority to remove the encroachments, they use gentle persuasion.

2.They are also tasked with removing the several posters that dot our colony.

3. Beggar women, particularly in the Sanantan Dharam Mandir, loiter all over the colony. They are now being kept in check.

4. The parks also come in for special attention, so that the use of these *parks for alcohol, ganja, charas etc are curbed. *

We are closely monitoring their work, and we shall take a call on whether to increase the number. The idea is to improve the security environment in VV.

*Everyone is aware that VVWA had taken up the matter of the refugees that camp outside the UNHCR office in B block in the High Court. *
The final orders have been received, which reflect a total acceptance of our prayers. Notably:

1. *No refugee will be allowed to camp in B block . *
*The Ministry of Home Affairs has given an assurance in the High Court that such refugees will be transferred to Jantar Mantar, the designated protest site *

2. *Delhi Police has been directed to act against such refugees as per law. *
*They cannot be allowed to camp in a residential area *

3. VVWA has been given the liberty to approach the High Court again, if there is any trouble.

With this, we can safely see the end of the inconvenience that the residents of B block have faced. VVWA is grateful that its efforts have borne fruit.

The final order is attached below.

Court order 180923

VVWA is pleased to release the notification for the 52nd Annual General Meeting and the elections to the Managing Committee.


August 2023

Tomorrow morning (Friday), BSES is organising a presentation at the Aravali Auditorium in Kalyan Kendra. The time will be 11.00 am. The presentation will deal with EV Charging and Solar Heating. This will be followed by a session, where we will be able to resolve our billing and other issues.

We would request everyone to please attend this session.


This us just an update on the progress of works:

1. We have already apprised residents about the fact that MCD had sanctioned a compactor for VV. For the compactor to function efficiently, we need to construct a *FIXED COMPACTOR TRANSIT STATION (FCTS). *
*MCD has received the tenders, which will be finalised soon. The compactor will be commissioned as soon as the FCTS is constructed. *

2. *A sum of Rs 1.80 cr has been sanctioned from the MLA funds for tiling of backlanes. * MCD will contribute 25%, to make up the total of Rs 2.25 cr.
A second proposal of similar value is in progress.

3. Our MLA has forwarded a proposal for resurfacing of our colony roads.


*In accordance, with the orders of the Hon’ble High Court, MCD carried out an anti encroachment drive in colony .
Five truck loads of material was removed. We are glad that the process has finally started. *We will require several more such drives, which we will pursue. *
However, a good start for our colony .

July 2023

VVWA has been working very closely with DJB to ensure adequate water for Vasant Vihar. There is also a conscientious effort to reduce all leakages. Water conservation is an important area in this direction.

One area that has been identified as sources of leakage is our water tanks. As suggested by DJB, we have engaged GD Water Consult to check our water tanks. This company has worked in VV for the past several years. WE WISH TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THIS IS A FREE CHECK UP SERVICE. IT IS UPTO EACH RESIDENT TO CHOOSE TO AVAIL THIS SERVICE OR NOT. ALSO, ANY FOLLOW UP ACTION SUGGESTED IS AGAIN THE OPTION OF THE RESIDENTS.

Please extend them your cooperation.

June 2023

We had informed everybody last week that *PWD had started work to complete the half finished work on the speed breaker opposite the church on Poorvi Marg. *
*The work has been completed. *
We need to give time for the cement to gather strength.
Consequently, the speed breaker will open for traffic on Saturday.

*Incidentally, there was a report that changes in the design were suggested and were being implemented. *
We beg to state that anyone with elementary knowledge of engineering will tell you that no change in design is possible once the speed breaker is half complete. * *There is no change in the design.

Our attention is drawn to a post released in some groups that,*Dr Bagai and associates had gone to the Hon’ble Delhi High Court with a writ petition regarding the mobile towers. *

VVWA has been pursuing this matter for the past year
Legal matters do take time. *VVWA is fighting a case for removal of ALL the towers in VV Parks not only a certain block or park .

* The case was last heard in the NGT on the 29th of May. *
A copy of the order is attached
*The present Managing Committee of VVWA is a duly elected body of the members *
*They are alive to the requirements and aspirations of the members and the residents. *
It is requested that they be allowed to work diligently, without false accusations and interference.
That is the essence of democracy

There has been a change of guard in the Vasant Vihar Police Station. Shri K.P.Sah has been replaced by Shri Sher Singh as SHO
Sher Singh ji met our team at our office and we had a very cordial discussion on matters concerning our colony.

Matters of security , regular patrolling were discussed amongst other glaring matters .

We look forward to greater interaction during his term here.

A delegation of VVWA called on our MLA, Ms. Pramila Tokas. The following issues were discussed:

1. Street lighting
2. Initiation of a project for our back lane lighting.
I The MLA promised to release the funds from her account for the project
3.Desilting of the drains before the monsoons.
4.Completion of the CCTV project.
5. The problems caused by the large number of cows roaming around VV.

It was a very good meeting. The MLA promised us all support in our endeavours.

Today, VVWA held a meeting with *Mr Somnath Bharti, Vice Chairman, Delhi Jal Board. *
The subject of discussion was *WATER CONSERVATION. * President, VVWA made a presentation, wherein he made the following points:
1. The water allocation of Delhi is constant at 960 mgd, whereas the population of Delhi is increasing. There is an ever increasing gap between demand and supply. This needs to be bridged by out of the box thinking.

2. President, VVWA brought out how the water logging in VV had been largely curbed by installing water harvesting systems.
Vice President, VVWA spoke about the large system set up in Munirka Park. He advocated that this be adopted across Delhi.
Further on it was also stressed that the rain water across roads must be addressed by installing Rain Water Harvesting Systems, particularly under flyovers.
3. Sewage treatment plants must be installed, so that this treated water can be used parks etc.

4. Coming closer home to VV, President VVWA stressed the need to commission the 24×7 water supply system for which the infrastructure is ready
5. *He also requested that a maintenance team be posted at VV, do that complaints can be handled more effectively *

Mr Somnath Bharti concluded by saying that the discussion was very educative and that he would look into the VV issues.


VVWA held a meeting with the hon’ble Councillor, Ms. Himani Abhishek Jain. A complete review was held, but emphasis was paid on the Zero Waste Project.

The Councillor opened the discussion by stating that the Government of Delhi has announced and is very serious on the elimination of landfills. She further stated that succesful *implementation of the Zero Waste Project in Vasant Vihar would go a long way in eliminating the pollution causing landfills. *
It would also lead to a closure of the Dhalaos, which was also essential.

Director (Operations), VVWA made a detailed presentation on the project; she stated the progress till date and VVWA future plans. A detailed discussions on the project, the Councillor took the following decisions:

A) The work would be executed in line with the existing laws and policies of the Government.

B) The Councillor wanted that a time and progress schedule should be drawn up giving necessary milestones. The progress would be reviewed at regular intervals. Shortfall, if any, would be made up by deploying extra resources.

C) The Councillor stated that given the importance of the project, she would regularly monitor and co-ordinate all the activities.


May 2023

VVWA had a meeting with
* Sakshi Mittal, Addl. Commissioner (Engg), MCD*
The following was discussed:

1. Waste Management and it’s implementation in VV was discussed in detail. Discussions were focused upon taking steps that would lead to a cleaner environment and closure of dhalaos was stressed upon.

*VVWA submitted that a compactor, exclusively for VV, would have a very positive impact. *
The Addl. Commissioner immediately approved this proposal
To operate a compactor, a ‘Fixed Compactor Transit Station’ would need to be built.

* A team from MCD along with VVWA surveyed possible sites for this FCTS were surveyed. *
In the coming week, the location will be finalised and construction will start, thereafter. We view this as a very positive development.

2. *VVWA apprised the Addl. Commissioner about the rapidly increasing encroachments and the High Court order. *
We sought her support in implementing this order. She assured us that MCD would ensure that the High Court directions would be followed.

3. *VVWA has a huge outstanding in respect of horticulture PPP payments. *
She said that MCD has serious financial issues, but she would ensure some relief.

4. *VVWA had been pursuing the removal of the billboard at the C block market. * We had taken up the matter with the traffic police, who had written to MCD to remove the bill board, since it was a traffic risk. We gave her a copy of this letter. She said that this was not part of her portfolio; however, she would speak to the concerned department.

The meeting ended with VVWA expressing it’s thanks.

Toggle Content

Waste Management has assumed great importance. VV has been chosen by MCD to become a zero waste colony. The details are give in the attached minutes of a meeting held in Kalyan Kendra on the subject.


We are attaching below, a note explaining the position on the speed breakers.

Adobe Scan 26 May 2023 (1)

March 2023

*We regret to inform everyone that a major theft of jewellery has taken place from one of our resident houses. *

* The local Police is investigating the matter. *
*The modus operandi appears to be that the jewellery was thrown into the backlane through an exhaust fan *.

The Police suspect , this lady in the photo holding the milk degchi took the jewelry and left .

The SHO has requested our assistance in helping locate the lady shown in video .
She could be a staff at one of your homes .

Presenting a Perspective on Pruning.

pruning perspective

February 2023

We had last week forwarded the latest order of NGT, which was released after the hearing held on 19 January 2023. This is a follow up report listing out the salient features.


A controversy started over the inadvertent use of “Vasant Vihar Residents Welfare Association” in the High Court matter related to the ramps and guard boxes.
The matter was also raised in the AGM, where President, VVWA stated “There has been oversight and an error on part of the Hon’ble Judge and us. A rectification application has been filed”. Well, the rectification application has been heard. The Hon’ble Judge has accepted our application. A copy of the order is attached. We hope that with this order, this controversy will be laid to rest.

HC Document – Guard Boxes

*This is with relation to the water bills. *
*We have received a number of enquiries on the status. *
*VVWA has been in constant touch with the Zonal Recovery Officer, DJB, RK Puram. *

The latest position:

1. .All the meter readers were employed by MVV.
When they left, there were no meter readers left.
*It has taken time for DJB to appoint new meter readers. *
They are now in place and readings are being taken.
However, we do expect that it will take a month for the situation to normalise.

2. *The payment counter was set up by MVV and went with it. *

*Today, to make a physical payment, you need to go to Sector 7, RK Puram. *
We are pursuing DJB for one of two options: either they open a payment counter in VV or a drop box is set up in Kalyan Kendra.

VVWA had filed a writ petition in the High Court in the wake of the influx of Afghan refugees. The problem persists. In a hearing held earlier in the week, our legal team had argued for a permanent solution.
The Hon’ble Judge agreed and also heard the SHO. Now the Joint Secretary in the External Affairs Ministry has been asked to discuss a solution and be present in court on the next date. We are now hopeful of a permanent solution. A copy of the order is attached.

HC order dated 20.01.2023

There has been rampant growth in the encroachments in Vasant Vihar .
Our many attempts to fight these growing encroachments met with no real outcome .

Concerned with this, *VVWA had moved the Hon’ble High Court. * Our proposal pleaded for revival of the three man committee which was constituted in 2003, and which went defunct in 2006.
*Accepting our plea, Hon’ble Justice Mohan Ohri has ordered the reconstitution of this committee, * which is as below:

1. Asst Commissioner, MCD
2. One inspector nominated by the SHO

3. President/Secretary, VVWA.

The committee will meet once in a month, identify encroachments and then remove them.
The order is attached below.

VVWA order 22.02.2023


January 2023

As we turn a new leaf into 2023, the President and all members of the VVWA Managing Committee would like to wish all our members, their families and loved ones a very, happy, joyous and prosperous New Year. We sincerely hope that this year will see lots of development work in VV.

*This is further to our post today morning on the cctv camera project. *
The project has been inaugurated and starting tomorrow, the survey work will start, followed by actual fixing on Monday.

We are attaching a note giving the salient features of the project requirements. We would request all residents to please go through this; further, we would request everyone to please take advantage of the project and secure our colony, by fixing the maximum no of cameras.


*This post relates to the UNHCR office in B block. *
We are all aware that there is a constant stream of refugees who camp there and cook and defecate in the parks etc. The problem accentuated just after the Afghan crisis.
*VVWA had to move the Hon’ble High Court, who ordered their removal. *
Of late, we have had refugees camping there. VVWA had to once again file an application.
*We are pleased to inform everybody that the Hon’ble High Court has in an interim order asked the Police to clear the road in front of the UNHCR office clear of all refugees. *
We enclose a copy of this order.



March 2022

As everybody is aware, there are ongoing court proceedings in the matter of the *de- concretisation, ramps etc. * The entire proceedings yesterday were watched very closely by VVWA President.
It is also a fact that the Hon’ble Judge was not receptive to our arguments, even though we felt they were correct and valid.

We have been in touch with our legal team. *VVWA and the Society have also had consultations. * It has been decided to file an appeal against the ongoing proceedings. We welcome anyone who would like to discuss the matter further to visit the office to be briefed.

The water situation continues to be bad. Against our daily requirement of 7.5 lac litres, the water received over the last few days is as below—
March 04 8.44 lac litres
March 05 6.14 lac litres
March 06 5.04 lac litres
March 07 4.04 lac litres
Today also the situation is not good. As things stand, water supply can only start late evening.

We have taken up the matter very strongly with DJB and will escalate the matter tomorrow to the top levels.

We hope that the situation improves by tomorrow.

The past few days have been very stressful for all of us in VV.
*C2 street has been virtually demolished and the sword hangs over the rest of VV. * We fail to see why VV should be singled out, when the whole of Delhi has identical construction. Anger in VV is fully understandable.

In order to solve our problems, acting on the advice of our legal team, VVWA and Society have moved the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court, seeking a stay and redressal. It is very likely that our appeal will be heard tomorrow. We are confident of relief. We would request every Vasant Vihari to say a silent prayer, seeking divine intervention to correct the wrong that has been thrust upon us

We will, subsequent to the hearing put out a detailed note, putting everything in perspective, so that everyone has an understanding of the situation.

The hearing has concluded after 1 hr 15 minutes of back and forth arguments. The orders —-
1. The learned single judge will hear our application on 23 March, wherein we have contended that the ramps are legal.

2. No demolition will take place till then

Further details in the evening after we talk to our lawyers. Mr Kailash Vasdev was brilliant. A true Vasant Vihari, he argued patiently and convincingly. We have a lot to be grateful for to him.

We had yesterday put out a kaam ki baat, giving a brief synopsis about yesterday’s hearing. We are now attaching a detailed report. We would request everyone to please note the inconsistency in today’s TOI.

*VVWA and Society are working with our legal team to solve the problem. * We are fully conscious that we have a long battle ahead. Yesterday was the first battle in what appears to be a long war. We are upto the task.

Finally a reason to celebrate . Vvwa welcomes all its residents to celebrate the festival of colours with us .

We had put out a kaam ki baat regarding our HOLI DHYAN celebration.
We would request everyone to note that arrangements are being made for everyone to come and have darshan at any time after 9.00 am. Panditji will perform the puja at 6.30 pm. Snack boxes will be available.
We look forward to receiving everybody .

February 2022

*VVWA is pleased to announce that it is organising an one day vaccination camp on Saturday, 05 February 2022. * The camp is being organised under the aegis of MEDANTA MEDICITY.
The camp will be organised in the *Aravali Auditorium in Kalyan Kendra and will run from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. *


The following services will be on offer—-

1. Booster shot for those above 60 years of age.

2. First and second shot for the age group 15 –18 years.
A large number are now getting eligible for their second shot. Please take advantage.

3. Regular first and second shots.

4. Flu shots.

Both Covishield and Covaxin will be available. Please note that it will not be possible to have vaccination and flu shots on the same day.

As an added facility, *a DIETICIAN will also be available for free consultation. *
So anyone who needs help with dietary control, please do take advantage.

This is a good opportunity to catch up on our vaccinations. It is also a good opportunity for all of us to get our domestic help, guards etc vaccination, thereby increasing our VV safety. We request everyone to take maximum advantage of the opportunity.

*VVWA is pleased to announce that it is organising an one day vaccination camp on Saturday, 05 February 2022. * The camp is being organised under the aegis of MEDANTA MEDICITY.
The camp will be organised in the *Aravali Auditorium in Kalyan Kendra and will run from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. *


The following services will be on offer—-

1. Booster shot for those above 60 years of age.

2. First and second shot for the age group 15 –18 years.
A large number are now getting eligible for their second shot. Please take advantage.

3. Regular first and second shots.

4. Flu shots.

*Both Covishield and Covaxin will be available. * Please note that it will not be possible to have vaccination and flu shots on the same day.

The costing for the vaccines is as below:

1. Covishield Rs 780/-
2. Covaxin Rs 1,200/-
3. Influvac tetra flu vaccine Rs 1,850/-

Please note that the first two prices are the official Govt prices.

– Age group 15–18 will be administered Covaxin only

As an added facility, *a DIETICIAN will also be available for free consultation. *
So anyone who needs help with dietary control, please do take advantage.

This is a good opportunity to catch up on our vaccinations. It is also a good opportunity for all of us to get our domestic help, guards etc vaccination, thereby increasing our VV safety. We request everyone to take maximum advantage of the opportunity.


Booster requirements
1. Recipient should have completed 9months/39 weeks from second dose

2. It will be same vaccine as previous one

3. All eligible recipients will get a sms few days before they are due for booster

4.Certificate will mention booster as precautionary dose

*VVWA is pleased to announce that it is organising an one day vaccination camp on Saturday, 05 February 2022. * The camp is being organised under the aegis of MEDANTA MEDICITY.
The camp will be organised in the *Aravali Auditorium in Kalyan Kendra and will run from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. *


The following services will be on offer—-

1. Booster shot for those above 60 years of age.

2. First and second shot for the age group 15 –18 years.
A large number are now getting eligible for their second shot. Please take advantage.

3. Regular first and second shots.

4. Flu shots.

*Both Covishield and Covaxin will be available. * Please note that it will not be possible to have vaccination and flu shots on the same day.

The costing for the vaccines is as below:

1. Covishield Rs 780/-
2. Covaxin Rs 1,200/-
3. Influvac tetra flu vaccine Rs 1,850/-

Please note that the first two prices are the official Govt prices.

– Age group 15–18 will be administered Covaxin only

As an added facility, *a DIETICIAN will also be available for free consultation. *
So anyone who needs help with dietary control, please do take advantage.

This is a good opportunity to catch up on our vaccinations. It is also a good opportunity for all of us to get our domestic help, guards etc vaccination, thereby increasing our VV safety. We request everyone to take maximum advantage of the opportunity.


Booster requirements
1. Recipient should have completed 9months/39 weeks from second dose

2. It will be same vaccine as previous one

3. All eligible recipients will get a sms few days before they are due for booster

4.Certificate will mention booster as precautionary dose

We have 5 Covishield
Vaccination Available
This is free and can be availed by any resident staff .
Incase you are interested to get the staff vaccinated please send them by 2.30 pm .

VVWA had received a number of complaints from members that BSES had raised excessive bills and that in quite a few cases, meters were not read.

Accordingly, a delegation of BSES led by their DGM, Vivek Parshad called on us at our office.
The following was discussed:

1.BSES submitted that the DDMA and DERC had ordered that their office could run with only 50% of their meter readers.
50% of their meter readers could not possibly read all the meters. Therefore, in several cases, *provisional bills were raised. * Meters would be read in totality this month and the provisional payment adjusted.

They accepted that the language used was incorrect and would be more careful in future.

2. They submitted that some bills reflected meter readings more than a month apart. However, they assured us that their software catered to this and that the *slab wise bill took 30 days as the criteria. *
No loss was caused to the consumer.

3. They receive a schedule every month from their Head Office giving dates for meter readings, bill generation and last date for payment. These would be shared with us.

We trust that this will answer the questions raised, and now that we are headed for normalcy, matters would also be back to normal.

The Govt of India, acting through Parliament has passed the TREE ACT. This lays down that a space of 1 metre, measured from the outer girth all around the tree will be left free of concrete. A TREE OFFICER will be designated to ensure compliance. The fine for any violation is Rs 10,000/– per tree. There are several judgements of the Apex Court and NGT that have upheld this law. Tree experts are unaminious that this provision is essential for trees to survive.

As per our tree census, VV is endowed with 4993 trees. A substantial majority are concretised. A PETITION WAS FILED I THE HON’BLE HIGH COURT, WHERE VVWA IS NEITHER A PETITIONER NOR A RESPONDENT. ACCORDINGLY, THE HON’BLE JUDGE ORDERED THAT ALL TREES IN VV BE DE–CONCRETISED. We sought legal advice, which was that the law was well established and any challenge would be futile. Tree experts consulted by us unaminious that de–concretisation is essential for our trees to survive.

As per the Court orders, SDMC & PWD were ordered to remove the concrete in their areas. SDMC have carried out a systematic operation and there have been no complaints. On the other hand, PWD have carried out their works ruthlessly and have butchered the pavements. THE MATTER IS BEING TAKEN UP STRONGLY WITH PWD. WE WOULD REQUEST EVERYONE WHO HAS FELT THE BRUNT OF THIS BUTCHERING TO PLEASE SEND US DETAILS AND PHOTOGRAPHS SO THAT THE MATTER CAN BE PROPERLY REPRESENTED. IN ANY CASE, PWD HAS BUILT THE PAVEMENTS AND RECTIFICATION IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY.

In meetings held by the Conservator of Forests, we have placed all these facts on record. THE RESULT IS A FINE OF RS 38.70 LACS HAS BEEN IMPOSED UPON THE PWD. We have no doubt that the Forest Dept will place these facts on record in Court in the next hearing on the 14th of February.

All the orders etc are available in VVWA office. In case, anyone would like to examine the orders or discuss the matter further, please feel free to call on our office post Monday.

There is the other matter of clearance of pavements. This has become an extremely long post, so that will be covered in a separate post.

We have released a kaam ki baat explaining the situation on the de–concretisation of trees. The other issue that the Court proceedings have thrown up is the clearance of the pavements. We address that here.

During the proceedings, the Hon’ble Judge has ordered that the pavements be totally cleared of all encroachments/obstructions. These orders are based on a judgement of the Hon’ble SupremeCourt delivered in 2018/2019.
In discussions with SDMC, we have made the following points:—

1. That there exist several encroachments in terms of unauthorised paan shops, cigarette shops, vegetable shops etc etc. To be able to drive a ‘wheelchair’ on these pavements, all these encroachments etc need to be removed.

2. There are several cases where building irregularities need to be removed.
While it is correct that that all buildings should conform to building laws, the question we ask is why did SDMC give completion certificates??

3. As regards the larger issues involved, VVWA is seeking legal advice on our options and remedies.

While we shall ensure that we shall keep everyone informed, we would welcome anyone who wants to see the relevant orders and judgements in our office, as also to discuss the relevant matters.

The orders of the Hon’ble High Court have created an unprecedented situation for us in VV.

*VVWA has been working silently but surely to find solutions to the issues involved. *
We have been able to make some headway. To enumerate, the initiatives taken—

1. We have prepared a technical note so as to counter the arguments that have gone into the Court orders. This note is based upon basic definitions and engineering principles, as well as elementary physics.

2. *We have already stated that in the subject case, we are neither the petitioner nor the respondents. *
We will now intervene in the matter.

3. We are also making all efforts to meet senior Govt officials and officials of the civic authorities to represent our point of view.

We wish to assure everyone that VVWA is absolutely alive to the situation and will do everything that is possible to protect the interests of the community.

We are all aware of the unprecedented situation created for VV by the suo moto initiated by the Hon’ble High Court regarding our pavements.
In the last date, VVWA had asked to be impleaded as an Intervening party.
The Hon’ble High Court accepted this and asked us to file an application. We would like to inform all residents that,
*VV Society and VVWA * have decided to serve the best interests of the community by fighting the case jointly.
The stakes for VV are very high and it is vital that all of us come together at this time and support our efforts.

In order to resolve the issues created by the High Court, our Director (Finance), Sarvesh Dutt used his good offices to organise a meeting with the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor. Accordingly, VVWA President and Sarvesh Dutt met the LG today. It was a very good meeting and the LG was very responsive. The following was discussed:

1. We explained that it would be unfair that VV should be singled out for action. If anything, this must be extended all over Delhi. The LG had already said that he would not discuss the merits of the court orders, since that was sub judice.

2. The question of *encroachments * was discussed. The LG was very responsive.

3. We raised our security concerns. He said that he would forward this to the Commissioner of Police.

4. The LG wanted to know how we tackled Covid. We have him a detailed presentation.

5. He wanted to know the progress of Vasant Udyan. We briefed him and did bring up the question of the two water bodies that needed to be rejuvenated. He said that he would have this examined

In conclusion, he asked his Secretary, who was taking notes, to prepare the papers to be forwarded to the department. He also said that we could request to see him any time

VILAYATI KIKAR is considered to be a PARASITE tree by all Environmentalists. It sucks up all the water abd prevents neighbouring trees from flourishing. Environmentalists have been fighting to remove these trees, but have met with little success. These trees are widely prevalent in the Ridge and closer home in Vasant Udyan.

VVWA had taken up the case of 30 such trees in our medicinal park on Munirka Marg. Yesterday, in a landmark judgement, the NGT has asked the Dy Conservator of Forests (South) *to look into the removal of these trees. * While the detailed order is awaited, VVWA has no doubt that this will lead to the total removal of these trees from Delhi, and possibly North India. Our Vice President, Keshhav Garg formulated and fought the case. Kapil and Meghna Sankhla represented VVWA. Our congratulations to them.

Over the past few days, VV has been facing water issues. All the three supplies, morning, afternoon and evening are impacted. It is not that there is a shortage of water, but there is a certain degree of mismanagement. VVWA has been working with DJB and MVV to overcome the bottlenecks so as to ensure that the backend supply becomes regular. We hope for improved and regulat supplies in the coming days

At a ceremony in the SDMC office today, VVWA was awarded certificates of appreciation for *waste management in our A and C blocks. * We had wanted to take our teams, but due to Covid restrictions, we were allowed only two representatives. Accordingly, our President and Director (Operations) attended the award ceremony. The Certificates were received by our Director (Operations), who incidentally heads our waste management team.
We hope that our other blocks also emulate A and C blocks.

In the discussions that followed, serious attention took place on closure of the dhalaos. We solicit everyone’s cooperation in helping us close the dhalaos and in making VV a zero waste colony.

January 2022

Today, as part of a Security Awareness Drive, *Mr Gaurav Sharma, DCP * is leading a cycle rally. The rally will include *Mr Rakesh Dixit, ACP * and the 12 SHOs that compromise the South West District. The rally will leave Vasant Vihar PS between 3.00 — 3.30 pm. We will greet them in front of Kalyan Kendra between 3.30 — 4.00 pm. We would request everyone to join us to greet and encourage them.

The cycle rally organised by the VV Police was a big success. About a hundred policemen on cycles formed the core of the rally. A team of VVWA, led by our President met them outside Kalyan Kendra and greeted them. This was the brainchild of the new *DCP, Gaurav Sharma. *
He said that starting next week, he would start sorting out all VV issues. It feels good to have a proactive DCP. We wish him a successful tenure.

Many of you would have noted that over the past few days, supply of water has been deficient. The problem is that the supply of water from the backend has been restricted.
We normally get 7.5 million litres of water every day. On Saturday, we received 5.9 million litres and yesterday 5.1 million litres. We have taken up the matter very strongly with the DJB authorities. We hope that the situation will normalise by tomorrow.

The Omicron surge has set in well and truly. The numbers are increasing daily exponentially. *We all need to exercise great control and religiously observe all precautions. * VVWA has taken the following steps—

A. An all Women’s Doctor helpline had been established during the Delta surge. The same helpline is still very active and will serve the community. To recapitulate the members—

1. Dr Gunita Singh 98110 0471

2. Dr Glossy Sabharwal 98110 20477

3. Dr Dipika Loganey 9810036335

4. Dr Neelu Guglani 98916 04545

5. Dr Shikha Sharma 98103 34227

6. Dr Reetika Sharma 98105 18683

We would request residents to please WhatsApp your questions, so that they can respond. This is because they may be busy and may not be able to take calls at that time.

Dr Gurinder Bedi will continue to be a mentor. A number of Specialists will also be available for paid consultation. These will include *Senoir Pediatricians, * since the current surge is likely to affect children. This list will be circulated in the next few days.

B. VVWA has set up banks of oxygen concentrators, oxygen cylinders and oxymeters, besides selected medicines. Anyone requiring any assistance can contact our following block representatives—

1.Dr Gunita Singh 98110 04715
2. Nidhi Agarwal 99993 72629

C. Parul Gaur, Director (Operations),
VVWA -98105 07726
will be responsible for overall administration and coordination.
In case of an emergency, you may contact her or
Milly Murgai, Director (Administration), VVWA -98100 32527

D. We are attaching an excellent advisory issued by the Govt detailing all precautions etc. The isolation period has been reduced to 7 days.

E. VVWA has made arrangements with SSIL to remove garbage from affected houses through a special tipper and with personnel wearing PPE.

Parul Gaur
Director Operations & Spokesperson

A few days ago, we had received a report that residents were facing difficulties in paying their BSES bills due to the closure of the payment counter in the Vasant Marg office. VVWA took the issue with BSES.
The payment counter will remain closed during the Omicron wave.
However, a drop box has been set up in the Vasant Marg office. This will be cleared every day. We would request all the residents to please drop their cheques in the drop box.

We are all aware that the Omicron surge has raised our daily count to over 27,000 yesterday.
In these circumstances, we in *VVWA reviewed the matter and decided to scale back on our operations. *
The office will be open but with reduced staff. *There will be no public dealings. *
“VVWA will constantly review the situation and as and when, it improves, we shall revert to normal working”.
However, we do realise that maintenance services need to continue. These will be attended to. Please send in your complaints, *either to hellovvwa@gmail or whatsapp to our helpline (76693 96999). *
Action will be taken.

Looking at the Covid situation in Delhi, we once again request everyone to please wear masks, mantain social distancing and hand wash. We would also request that please give your domestic staff and guards proper N95 masks and sanitisers. In their safety, lies our safety.

We are all reading about the status of cases in Delhi. Even though the figures show a dip in numbers, the positivity remains 28%.
We need to add to the numbers, the positive home testing figures. Therefore, there is still no ground for complacency. Please maintain your guard and observe all precautions.

We, in VVWA, are always looking to secure the interests of our residents. We have now, an ambulance on call for the benefit of our residents, who would require the services of an ambulance. *Please call 93105 10682. *
We are grateful to Abhishek Jain for organising the ambulance.

VVWA has made arrangements with SSIL to remove garbage from Covid affected houses through a special tipper and with personnel wearing PPE.
Vvwa has been effectively carrying the operations of coordinating with SSIL for the Covid garbage
Even during th height of Covid in April we had successfully serviced all our residents .
Please contact the following in charge

Avi Arora -9810454579

Parul Gaur – 9810507726

To clear the confusion. The Delhi Govt. made a proposal to lift the weekend curfew. The LG has rejected this proposal. The effect is that the weekend curfew will stay. 

As , stated in many of our ‘Kaam Ki Baat’ as well In discussions with residents from various blocks , VVWA team lead by Mr Bindra has been keenly following up with the DC and the various heads in SDMC regarding the growing Encroachment menace .
As director Operations I have been trying to push this since the past one week .
Yesterday , The DC assured that action shall be taken .
I have been in touch with her and been photographs of encroachments have been shared .
All blocks will be covered as Each is important and encroachment has to be handled at the colony level .
Finally we can see some results and We am grateful to the SDMC team .
I am also grateful to our residents for keeping their patience and faith
Rest assured this is only the beginning .

The past few weeks have been dominated by Covid, but it is now time to turn our attention to other issues also. The 24×7 water project started in 2011 and has been grossly delayed. VVWA has been continuously following up on the project with the Authorities and giving updates.

Finally, some good news. The pumps that were ordered on Xylem have been manufactured at their facilities in Italy and Vadodra. The pumps have been extensively tested and have today, arrived in Vasant Vihar. Work on civil foundations has already started. Now some ancilliary equipment is balance, which is expected to arrive soon.

VVWA shall continue to monitor the progress. However, the arrival of the pumps indicates that the light at the end of the tunnel is now visible. Hopefully, this will lead to the solution of one of our chronic problems.